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(1) Li Shengwei, Li Cunbao, Yao Wei, et al. Impact of wetting-drying cycles on dynamictensile strength of rock[J]. Thermal Science, 2019, 23:815-820.SCI收录)

(2) Li Shengwei, Gao Mingzhong, Yang Xiaojun, et al. Numerical simulation of spatial distributions of mining-induced stress and fracture fields for three coal mining layouts[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2018, 10(5):107-113.SCI收录)

(3) Li Shengwei, Xie Heping, Zhang Ru, et al. A Multiscale Simulation Method and Its Application to Determine the Mechanical Behavior of Heterogeneous Geomaterials[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 2017:1-12.SCI收录)

(4) Gao Mingzhong, Zhang Jianguo, Li Shengwei, et al. Calculating changes in fractal dimension of surface cracks to quantify how the dynamic loading rate affects rock failure in deep mining[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(10):3013-3024.SCI收录)

(5) Gao Mingzhong, Zhao Jian, Li Shengwei, et al. Theoretical model of the equivalent elastic modulus of a cobblestone–soil matrix for TBM tunneling[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 54(Apr.):117-122.SCI收录)

(6) Xie Jing, Gao Mingzhong, Zhang Ru, Li Shengwei, et al. Lessons Learnt from Measurements of Vertical Pressure at a Top Coal Mining Face at Datong Tashan Mines, China.[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2016,49:2977-2983.SCI收录)

(7)李圣伟,高明忠,谢晶,.保护层开采卸压增透效应及其定量表征方法研究[J]. 四川大学学报:工程科学版, 2016(S1):1-7.EI收录)

(8)谭强,高明忠,谢晶,李圣伟.单孔增透率算法的提出及其工程应用[J]. 岩土力学, 2016, 37(12):3553-3568.EI收录)

(9)谢晶,高明忠,张茹,金文城,李圣伟.重构裂隙网络定量描述方法及各向异性特征研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(S2):98-103.EI收录)

(10)鲁义强,张盛,高明忠,尹贤刚,李圣伟.多次应力波作用下P-CCNBD岩样动态断裂的能量耗散特性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, 37(5):1106-1114.EI收录)


(1)高明忠,陈海亮,刘强,李圣伟,谭强,李安强. 一种用于深井孔内爆破的智能爆破筒悬吊系统[P],发明专利,专利号:ZL201611109196.3


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